5 Problems That Could Be Causing Your Basement Moisture

You don’t want to have a basement that is too full of moisture or even just plain wet. A lot of basements have moisture problems due to their nature and location, and these issues are often the reason deterioration and other complications happen. They can be very dangerous both health-wise and structurally.

At some point, it can be very easy to notice a damp basement. The issue is figuring out what might be causing the problem. When you get a waterproofing contractor, they will check for these possibilities and give you the necessary information to fix the issue.

Broken or Missing Gutters

Some of the biggest enemies your basement can face are rain and floodwater. Gutters are meant to protect your property from having a downpour of water going into the foundations. When water gets there, especially when it builds up and lingers, this can doom your basement to moisture.

The crucial barrier between your basement and these waters is the gutter. If you have no gutters or the ones you have are not functioning properly, you risk getting unwanted water going right back into your home. 

Water Leaks

You may think keeping your exteriors well-maintained is enough. However, you need to be careful about leaking. Problems with your plumbing and appliances like your washing machine or dishwasher can result in a leak that brings moisture all the way down to your basement. 

The point where it is the worst can help you identify which section of the home is causing the leak. This is problematic but should be one of the simpler causes to remedy.

Bad Foundation Grade

Every property needs to have proper grading. This is what ensures that the slope of your foundation is angled correctly. If done right, it should be away from the home. 

Unfortunately, that is not always the case. If you have poorly graded foundations, you’ll likely be getting water into your home instead of draining it outwards. Even tough foundations will get seeped through over time if this is not fixed.

Cracks in the Walls or Floors

Another way that water weasels its way all the way down to your basement is via cracks. It can come from higher parts of the home or even the ground outside. Make sure you don’t have any cracks that might be attracting pools of water. Sometimes, water pressure can even cause the crack that lets the liquids seep through. 

Any cracks should be properly assessed and sealed accordingly, especially since they could potentially be hazardous for structural integrity as well.

Excessive Condensation

It’s a simple issue tackled in primary science classes. With an excessive amount of condensation, moisture levels will increase. As warm and humid air comes into contact with the cold surfaces of your basement, that’s when you get your moisture problems. This can happen if you have faulty HVAC systems, a lack of basement circulation, or poor insulation.


These are just some of the most common reasons for basement moisture to hit worrying degrees. Whether your property has weathered many years or you are moving to a new place, it’s good to have a waterproofing contractor do the necessary checks and preventative measures. If you leave it for later, you may end up with a relentless headache and more expenses.

Make sure moisture is not the bane of your home. Sir Williams Drainage and Waterproofing Solutions is the best waterproofing contractor in Belleville. Call us today and get experienced specialists at your door in no time.

How Stormwater Drainage Systems Can Save You and the Environment

Many of us rarely pay attention to the effects of heavy rains, but stormwater can affect all of us. Having a proper drainage system can create better and sustainable solutions because, without it, stormwaters can be a hazard, leading to unsafe conditions.

Humankind is known to create solutions even for environmental issues. Fortunately, you can do your part to save Mother Earth. Here is a guide to help you understand stormwater drainage systems and why property owners should prioritize them.

What Is Stormwater?

Stormwater is essentially the amount of water you collect from heavy rainfalls, storms, and typhoons. Sometimes, large amounts of water have nowhere to go if drainage systems are subpar.

That is why stormwater affects everyone in the state of Michigan, whether it’s in the city or your own home. With the state surrounded by water, it’s crucial to find home drainage solutions.

What Are the Effects of Stormwater?

There are two significant effects of stormwater; flooding and toxic runoff. Let’s break down each of them.


Flooding occurs when large amounts of water hit a particular area too quickly, and if it has nowhere to go, it can risk people’s lives, livelihood, and land properties. Staying in Michigan has its flooding risks because of its location surrounded by bodies of water.

It means that water can quickly enter the city, making finding outdoor drainage solutions all the more essential.

Toxic Runoff

Another issue that stormwater can cause is toxic runoff. We’re never entirely sure what the components of a single raindrop are. Sometimes, they may carry harmful elements or bacteria that could spread throughout the city, especially if flooding hits areas with poisonous waste. In that case, having sustainable stormwater solutions can be helpful.

How Can Stormwater Management Help?

Stormwater management can aid in many ways. It can positively affect humankind, animal kind, and of course, the environment. Here are significant ways stormwater management is helpful:

Avoiding Floods

Improving your drainage system will avoid floods, ultimately saving many lives and costly collateral damage. Stormwater management means when a storm occurs, there will be a place for water to go, which you can use sustainably later on.

Civilian Safety

With better stormwater management, civilians and residents like you, your family, and everyone else can secure your home from severe floodings or toxic runoffs. Give thought to having better stormwater management and investing in landscaping and drainage.

Improve Water Treatment Quality

Stormwater management can also enhance water treatment quality because it creates a system for stormwater to be filtered and used again in many different ways. This process happens through efficient and effective groundwater infiltration systems that drainage contractors can provide.

Sustainable Solutions

Ultimately, the best thing about having effective stormwater management solutions is helping the environment through its sustainability. Stormwater management’s goal is to control and recycle large amounts of excess water. That way, you can make the world a better place.

Taking a Step for a Better Environment

There is no doubt that the earth’s temperature is rising, and our islands made of ice are melting. With global warming causing water levels to grow, it’s crucial to find the best drainage contractors in Belleville, Van Buren Township, Sumpter, and all of Michigan. The next time you see a storm coming up, you’re more at ease knowing you have effective stormwater management solutions to protect you.

Discover the best drainage contractor in Van Buren Township or other places in Michigan by calling us today! With Sir Williams Drainage and Waterproofing Solutions by your side, we can provide your residential or commercial space with high-quality landscaping and grounds maintenance services to meet your needs.